1. Equilibrate the filters in an environmentally controlled weighing area or chamber for at least 2 h.
2. Weigh the filters in an environmentally controlled area or chamber. Record the filter tare weight, W1(mg).
a. Zero the balance before each weighing.
b. Handle the filter with forceps (nylon forceps if further analyses will be done).
c. Pass the filter over an anti-static radiation source. Repeat this step if filter does not release easily
from the forceps or if filter attracts balance pan. Static electricity can cause erroneous weight
3. Assemble the filters in the filter cassettes and close firmly so that leakage around the filter will not occur.
Place a plug in each opening of the filter cassette.
4. Remove the cyclone's grit cap before use and inspect the cyclone interior. If the inside is visibly scored,
discard this cyclone since the dust separation characteristics of the cyclone may be altered. Clean the
interior of the cyclone to prevent reentrainment of large particles.
5. Assemble the sampler head. Check alignment of filter holder and cyclone in the sampling head to prevent leakage.