You found yourself restless, your body unable to shut itself off and sleep for a little while. You glanced up and nudged the luminescent clock closer to your eyes, reading what the bright numbers had to say.
12:04 AM.
It had barely been two hours since you had decided to go to bed, considering Sherlock had been silent most of the night and John was, yet again, on a date with another girl. You had already forgotten her name, even though you were sure you had met her. You didn’t try to hard to figure out her name; you were too distracted to do that.
Your eyes wandered towards the door, a tiny sliver of white light seeping under the doorframe. You sighed softly and sat up, your oversized shirt billowing around you and falling over your knees. You suddenly felt overwhelmed by all of the fabric covering you, your hands pulling the thin cloth over your head and tossing it into a lifeless heap on the floor.
There you sat, only clad in your bra and panties, feeling somewhat odd for some unknown reason.
You sighed softly, rising from the bed and making your way to the door. Your hand closed around the handle firmly, twisting it in your grip and pulling it open to reveal the brightly lit room that now lay in front of your eyes.
Sherlock had his back towards you, staring at a white screen at his computer. You walked up behind him, trying to keep quiet. Although you knew he probably already could tell you were behind him.
You bent over and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, leaning your head next to his. He was a little rigid at first, relaxing only very slightly after a few seconds.
“What?” You asked, nuzzling your head with his.
He shook his head, “Nothing.”
“You thought I was asleep, didn’t you?”
“No, I knew you were still awake. I already could tell you wouldn’t be able to sleep long before you ever went into that bedroom.”
“Maybe it’s because something isn’t there.”
He leaned back just a little further, a hand raising from the keyboard to touch gently against your face, “Didn’t I tell you I would be there as soon as I was finished?”
You sighed unhappily, “Knowing you, you wouldn’t come until the week was over.”
“Oh, it would be much shorter than that, crimes these days don’t ever take a whole week to solve.”
“You get my point… You haven’t slept with me at all this week, usually you aren’t like that.”
“Am not.”
“Are too. You know, not everyone is as blind as you think they are.”