tYoung individuals who drive under the influence of alcohol have a higher relative risk of crash involve-ment; as such, the literature has extensively investigated the factors affecting such involvement throughboth post-accident surveys and simulator experiments. The effects of differentiated breath alcohol con-centrations (BrAC) on young driver behavior, however, have been largely unaddressed, mainly as a resultof the difficulty in collecting the necessary data. We explore young driver behavior under the influenceof alcohol using a driving simulator experiment where 49 participants were subjected to a common pre-defined dose of alcohol consumption. Comparing reaction times before and after consumption allowsfor interesting insights and suggestions regarding policy interventions. As expected, the results indicatethat increased reaction times before consuming alcohol strongly affect post-consumption reaction times,while increased BrAC levels prolong reaction times; a 10% increase in BrAC levels results in a 2% increasein reaction time. Interestingly, individuals with faster alcohol absorption times perform better regardlessof absolute BrAC level, while recent meals lead to higher reaction times and regular exercising to lower