enough to find someone as kind our fisherman friend hack home.
the walk back took many days. one day while they were passing through a thick part of the jungle Chee-Chee went ahead of them looking for coconuts. unfortunately while he was away the doctor and other animals got lost. they wandered around and around but could not find their way down to the seashore.
Chee-Chee was upset when he realized that his friend were lost. he climbed high into the trees for a better view. he looked for doctor dolittle's high hat but it was nowhere to be seen. he shouted. he waved. he clapped his hand. it was no use. they seemed to have dissappeared altogether.
indeed they had lost their way. they strayed far off the path. the jungle was so thick with bushes and vines that it was difficult to move at all. the doctor used his pocketknife to cut his way