May can be decomposed by heat, shock, or friction; some, such as MEK peroxide, can detonate. Organic peroxides can be liquids or solids, and are usually dissolved in a flammable or combustible solvent. Organic peroxides can be dangerously explosive materials. Organic peroxides have a Self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT), and they are shipped are stored under refrigeration to keep them cool (Photo 7.7). The SADT range from 0 F to 50 F and higher. SADT is the temperature at which the compounds will start to decompose. This decomposition reaction may result in a violent detonation that cannot the stopped by anything responders might try to do. The best bet is to make sure that the materials do not reach their SADT. Some organic peroxides exhibit the following hazards to emergency responders: they unstable, flammable, and highly reactive; may explode in a fire