Chapter 19: “Finished your drink and cookie sis?” I asked. “Yep, well, I’ve finished my cookie. Now let’s carry on with shopping” she said and stood up. “This is so cute, sis look!” Natalia squealed whilst admiring every single piece of clothing, but I wasn’t paying attention to anything besides Ney. “Huh?” I said. “Where are you today? Coo-coo land? Look!” she said and lifted the dress higher. “Oh, yeah.. it’s nice” I said, uninterested. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I bought a few things from different shops, and spent some money not like Natalia. She went crazy! “Have you shopped till you dropped then sis?” I giggled. “Yep! I. Am. Exhausted” she sighed and plunged onto the passenger seat. “Why would you need all that anyway? You wear the same thing everyday” I giggled. “This girl just wanna have fun” she said, pointing to herself. We arrived home, I walked to my bedroom and sat myself down on the bed and thought about what I had seen at the shopping mall. Should I tell Neymar? Honesty is the best policy....
[Tabitha POV]
“Honey, I’m just going to visit my mother..” I said. “Okay honey, tell her I said hi” he smiled. “I will” I said. I walked into the kitchen, and checked that I wasn’t being watched. I quickly got some money and left the house. “Hey babe” Oliver smirked. I kissed him on the lips smirked, he turned it into a sensual kiss and held my hips, firmly. “Not here baby, we’ll get caught” I giggled. “Did you manage?” he asked. I smirked and held up the money. “Haha, my girl” he winked at me. “Anyway, let’s go” we got into the car and drove off to the shopping mall.
➡️Night lovelies! Isn’t Tabitha sneaky? ❤️⬅️