Step 3: Unknown initial value (PW=419482)
Ok, seeing that you've figured out how to find a value using exact value let's move on to the next step.
In the previous test we knew the initial value so we could do a exact value, but now we have a status bar where
we don't know the starting value.
We only know that the value is between 0 and 500. And each time you click 'hit me' you lose some health. The
amount you lose each time is shown above the status bar.
Again there are several different ways to find the value. (like doing a decreased value by... scan), but I'll only
explain the easiest. "Unknown initial value", and decreased value.
Because you don't know the value it is right now, a exact value wont do any good, so choose as scantype
'Unknown initial value', again, the value type is 4-bytes. (most windows apps use 4-bytes)
click first scan and wait till it's done.