How come only the fifth and sixth stages are here? What about the first four?” Yun Che raised his head and asked with a face full of astonishment. He reviewed all the messages from the jade stone a few times, but could only find records of the fifth and sixth stages… There was absolutely nothing about the first four stages.
Without the first four stages, how was he to train in the fifth and sixth stages?
“This is indeed a great pity, but there’s nothing I can do about it either.” The phoenix spirit’s voice held a deep sigh: “Originally, this [World Ode of the Phoenix] had recorded everything from the first to the sixth stage, but before the first challenger arrived, an unexpected accident happened.”
“That year, the Phoenix left two trial grounds in this continent. One was here and the other was at the enormous Divine Phoenix Empire a long distance away. The trial ground at the Divine Phoenix Empire was quickly discovered and the Divine Phoenix Sect was created. That trial ground also became a restricted area that belonged solely to the Divine Phoenix Sect. Afterwards, the Divine Phoenix Sect became the number one sect of that empire. The empire was renamed as the Divine Phoenix Empire and even the empire’s capital was established near the Divine Phoenix Sect. Thus, the area where the trial ground was located became the empire’s most prosperous region. Humanity’s avarice, deceit, barbarous acts, and war… Constantly existed and tainted the aura within that region. It thereby infected the Phoenix’s spirit in that trial ground and gave it a consciousness it should not have had… Which led it to betray the will of the Phoenix.”
Yun Che: “…!”
“As a part of the Phoenix spirit with a different body, I knew of its existence then; and similarly, it knew of mine. After it had developed the consciousness it shouldn’t have, it actually had the idea of destroying me and this trial ground, wanting to have the entire continent to itself. Thus, it transferred its energy to an common firebird and came here. It fiercely battled against me and completely destroyed my copy of the jade that recorded the [World Ode of the Phoenix].
“During the intense fight, I destroyed a portion of its copy of the [World Ode of the Phoenix], leaving it with only the first four stages. Afterwards, I was no match for it and had no other option but to create a false illusion of dissipating into flames. Only until then did it leave… But it didn’t know that I had removed the fifth and sixth stages of the [World Ode of the Phoenix] instead of destroying them, which is the piece that you are holding right now. After that, I completely severed my soul connection to it. It never felt my existence again and has always believed that I had died but I have continued to carry out the will of the phoenix. While guarding this trial ground, I have welcomed and monitored all the challengers.”
Yun Che’s mouth fell open slightly, as if he had just heard an inconceivable story.