The Horrat values (Table 2) below 0.6 were also suitable, as the acceptable limit for accuracy of the intralaboratorial studies should be less than 1.3 (González et al., 2010). Therefore, these results indicate that the method proposed presents good precision for the analysis of HMF in corn and cane syrups.The accuracy was evaluated by means of recovery tests at three
concentration levels (1.0, 3.0 and 5.0 mg L1) and expressed as percentage recoveries. It was observed that the recoveries obtained for corn syrup (101–105%) and cane syrup (100–102%) for all concentrations of the HMF added are within acceptable limits (80–110%) (AOAC, 2012). These results suggest that the chromatographic method has good accuracy in the analysis of this contaminant in syrups.