Rod Nam Sang
the traditional wedding customs will be followed. It is called ROD-NAM-SANG, and is the main event where both the bride and the bridegroom 's family get together. They witness this important event . Both the bridge and the bridegroom will sit close together on the floor (or small stage) with their hands held in WAI style. The most senior person will act as the leader of the event. He or she will start to soak the couple 's hands in water and wish them good luck. The water is contained in a conch shell container (ROD is soak, NAM is water and SANG is conch shell ) Then the parents and others will do the same. Usually ,only selected people like close friends. and close relatives will be invited to the ROD-NAM-SANG event
Please do not dress in BLACK colours (Dress and necktie). For Thais, the black colour is reserved for a sad event like a funeral. I have heard many Thais complained about foreigners wearing black dress to a wedding ceremony and it is a sign of bad luck to the bride and the groom.