We downloaded data from 24 of the 32 GPS loggers. We
excluded 5 of the 24 loggers from further analyses because the
retrieved data did not cover a minimum of 2 24-hour cycles.
The 8 loggers without downloaded data were most likely on
bats that did not return to WL or WP within the battery
lifetime of the logger for unknown reasons, or on bats that
removed the logger while away from the colony. Data of the
remaining 19 loggers resulted in 97 tracking nights and 6,076
GPS bearings (Table 1). On average, we collected data for
5.1 1.6 nights per bat (range: LiPo III 3–8 nights, Primary
III 5–10 nights). Mean number of GPS points per individual
was 320 124 (range: 182–705; Table 1). We obtained
11,347 acceleration bursts on the second night and 11,492
acceleration bursts on the second day after logger attachment
from tracked bats from WL for both seasons.