3.2.3. Effect on nociceptive threshold
There was a significant decrease in mechanical withdrawal
threshold observed in all the animals treated with FCA. Administration
of APE (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) and AN (30, 60 and
120 mg/kg) significantly improved the mechanical withdrawal
threshold from day 16 when compared to arthritic control. Out of
three tested doses of APE and AN, APE 200 mg/kg and AN 60 mg/
kg were found to be more effective. Hence these doses were used
for drug interaction studies. On administration of APEþETO
(200þ10 mg/kg) and ANþETO (30þ10 mg/kg) from day 12 onwards
there was significant increase in the mechanical withdrawal
threshold from day 16 when compared to arthritic control. Coadministered
and alone groups with significant change on nociceptive
threshold were further compared with each other and the
graph is given in Fig. 6.