How can the collectively developed vision for the Regensburg
World Heritage Site be successfully implemented? Which
concrete issues are of central importance for the World Heritage
and its further development?–During the course of the
development of the World Heritage Management Plan eight
issues were specified and defined as central fields of action:
1. Tangible cultural heritage
2. Culture and tourism
3. Economic development
4. Housing
5. Mobility
6. Urban planning and development
7. Environment and leisure
8. Awarness raising and research
Concrete measures and objectives were formulated for all
eight fields of action to be beneficial for both the World
Heritage and the needs of the citizens. In the first stage the
question arose what precisely can the fields of action contribute
to the realisation of the vision? And how and to what
extent can each field of action contribute to the safeguarding
of the World Heritage assets and the usage and development
of the World Heritage area? The actual outcome: guidelines,
objectives and measures for each field of action were
defined and co-ordinated among each other.
To ensure that it is possible to verify if a new concept, plan or
project is in accordance with the vision and is, on the whole,
relevant to the World Heritage, a superior principle was developed
for each field of action. While these principles have