In the summer of last year, Sarah had gone into the country and fallen in love with a farmer. She stayed two weeks at Sunnybrook Farm. There she learned to love old Farmer Franklin's son Walter. Farmers have been loved and married in less time. But young Walter Franklin was a modern agriculturist. He had a telephone in his cow-house, and he could calculate exactly what effect next year's Canada wheat crop would have on what he planted.
It was in this shady place that Walter had won her. And together they had sat and woven a crown of dandelions for her hair. He had praised the effect of the yellow flowers against her brown hair and she had left the flowers there, and walked back to the house swinging her straw hat in her hands. They were to marry in the spring - at the very first sighs of spring, Walter said. And Sarah came back to the city and started the typewriter.
The lovers made a crown from _________ .
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