code. Furthermore, the code can be slow – often multiple procedure calls are used by the library where none would be required by custom code. Nevertheless, the library offers a much faster path to correct prototype code. For prototype work, it’s probably better to throw extra hardware (memory, clock rate) at a problem than sweat the details. For serious product development it may be wise to refine a design to reduce dependence on these libraries.
To get a sense of the cost of using the library consider the code in Figure 2.1 which configures PC8 and PC9 as outputs (to drive LEDs) and PA0 as an input (to read the push button).
. Similar library based code is presented as an exercise in Chapter 4. In Table 2.1 I compare the space requirements of two versions of this program with and without the use of the standard peripheral library. The first column (text) provides the size of “text segment” (code and data initializers), the data allocated in ram at startup is the sum of data (initialized data) and bss (zeroed data). The total memory requirements are provided in column text. The .elf files are the complete binaries. Excluding 256 bytes of preallocated runtime stack (bss), the library version is nearly 3 times as large. Unlike the original which did minimum system initialization, I included two common startup files for both versions. Also, the standard peripheral library has extensive parameter checking which I disabled for this comparison.