Haist!!! Guys, why do you keep on saying team earn, team earn, team earn? I want PhunNoh or EarnPete, and not EarnNoh. But you still keep on sayig team EarnNoh I feel sad because I’m being out numbered here. I feel like being bullied by Team EarnNoh T.T
Hey team PhunNoh out there, why don’t you come out from the closet and let’s raise our team PhunNoh flag together.
Sorry. I’ve always been team #FreeNoh He needs to simplify his life and focus on his studies. (Yeah, I’m being paid by Noh’s parents to represent their interests).
But almost everyone around him is drooling over him.: )
Almost everybody around Noh is drooling over Noh, true. But everybody ELSE is drooling over Earn peraps even you… ha ha ha ha
danny May 20, 2015 at 12:45 pm
Phun looks juicy in this episode hehe..
em May 20, 2015 at 12:30 pm
Yesssss! Hahaha best answer! Lol