Twilight clumsily flapped her wings to try to gain some distance as her jaw nearly dropped. Draped in a rainbow spectrum of light, a tall being roughly equal in height to the Princess of the Night herself settled its hooves down on her floor. The horn dimmed and seemed to draw the brilliant beams of light in like it was absorbing it. Hard, polished chitin glimmered with radiance as the being lowered her wings against her body.
She smiled, but Twilight was near ready to cast a concussive spell. It might have a horn and wings, but the hole filled hooves, exoskeleton, and draping mane clearly told her this was no alicorn. She was a changeling, and a queen at that; and presumably a queen Twilight knew well.
The changeling nodded slowly, not at all reacting to the young alicorn’s spiteful glare and her glowing horn as Twilight put herself between the intruder and the still sleeping Spike.
“Please, I must have a word with you Miss Sparkle.”
“Not today Chrysalis!”
Today was not a good day to be in the South pacific, more specifically it was a horrible night to be anywhere near Solgell Island. It was night, a storm of thunder and lightning brewing alongside explosions and sirens. A war was rumbling, one with so much raw power rumbles could be heard as far away as Hawaii and Japan. The entire island, its surrounding sea, and its air space had turned into a warzone. Tanks, missiles, even some nuclear weapons would be fire crackers to the assaults being launched. Assaults not by man, but by the island’s residence and their invaders. A massive, taloned paw crashed through the evacuated research building, the only human structure on the landmass; as onlookers via spy plane cameras or satellite imagery were all too reminded of their mortality. They say in ancient times there were giants that roamed the earth in days past. Now, they were roaming the present… and where at war with one another.