The following primary variables were analyzed: parity (nulliparous or multiparous); birth plan (yes or no); type of birth (eutocic [spontaneous; normal], instrumented or cesarean); third/fourth-degree tears (yes or no); Apgar score; and umbilical artery cord blood pH value. Secondary variables were history of previous cesarean (yes or no), start of labor (spontaneous or induction of labor), epidural anesthesia (yes or no), and episiotomy (yes or no). Sociodemographic variables were age, salaried employee (yes or no), and university education (yes or no).
To evaluate neonatal outcomes, we recorded the Apgar score variable in newborns at 5 minutes after birth, considering the value 10 as optimal, to distinguish it from values ≤ 9. We also recorded the umbilical cord arterial blood pH variable, considering normal values ≥7.25, to distinguish them from values≤7.24. We also noted pH values≤7.20 in both groups.
Data analysis was performed using the SPSS program. For comparison of percentages between the two groups, we used the chi-square statistic, Fisher’s exact test, and Student’s t-test statistic. Quantitative variables were described based on standard deviation and mean value.