he sugar content of both parent and offspring clones ranged from 10.5 to 16.7 Pol units, with the low sugar parent (SP80-180) having a Pol value of 13.1 and the high sugar parent (SP80-4966) a Pol value of 14.5. Surprisingly, the polymorphic fragment generated by pA35-EcoRV is present in the high sugar parent (SP80-4966) but absent in the low sugar parent, which helps to explain the transgressive genotypes of the progeny. This suggests that SP80-4966 carries other alleles for high Pol, that compensate for the negative allele associated with the pA35 marker. The data are indicative of transgressive segregation (the occurrence of progeny with phenotypes outside the range determined by the parents) which is usually attributable to polygenic segregation (King and Stanfield, 1997).