gives the broad strokes of the technology selection in the LCS scenario group, excluding the BAU case, since the BAU case assumes frozen efficiency conditions. All three LCS scenarios show rapid selection of CM1 (Higher Efficiency) and CM2 (New technology) technologies whilst the CM scenario shows significantly reduced replacement of existing technologies. Whilst the rate of substitution in the three LCS scenarios in terms of the CM1 and CM2 are similar, there is a slight difference in the selection of new biomass in the scenarios. The LCS_High has more new biomass selection when considered to the LCS scenario. Yet, this difference in the selection of new biomass technologies does not warrant a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions in the last 5 years of the modeling. Thus this leads to the investigation of another primary CM proposed in this research study which is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the proposed LCS scenarios and the pathways.