Microscopical Transverse section of the fruit shows epicarp composed of a layer of thick – walled epidermal cells with unicellular trichomes. Mesocarp, 2 to 3 layers of collenchyma followed by a broad zone of parenchyma in which sclereids and stone cells, in group, and vascular bundles scattered, porous parenchyma; sclereids, various shapes and sizes, mostly elongated; tannins; prism and aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate in parenchyma. Endocarp consists of thick – walled sclereids of various shapes and sizes, mostly elongated. Sclereids, stone cells and vessels, lignified. Testa, one layer of large cubical cells, followed by a zone of reticulate parenchyma and vessels; tegmen consistsof a zone of parenchyma and collapse parenchyma. Cotyledon folded and containing aleurone grains, oil globules and rosette aggregate crystals