1. If an Associate discovers an actual or probable
leakage or loss of confidential information, he shall
promptly report the incident to his manager.
2. A manager who receives such report shall report the incident to the Company Confidentiality Committee.
3. The Company Confidentiality Committee shall immediately report any such incident to the Secretariat of the Regional Confidentiality Committee. The Company’s Confidentiality Committee shall take necessary action to assist the responsible teams in undertaking fact-finding, discovering the cause of the incident, and implementing countermeasures to prevent recurrence and shall report any such incident to the Company Risk Management Officer.
4.The Regional Confidentiality Committee Secretariat shall also impart any necessary information to other Company Confidentiality Committees to prevent recurrence and stop the expansion of any leakage risk.
5. If a Company-provided electronic information device is
lost or stolen, the Associate shall immediately report the
loss or theft to the manager and notify the Company
Confidentiality Committee. Where possible, the
Associate must agree that data contained on the device
may be remotely erased.
A breach reporting flow process chart to capture
incidents of actual or probable leakage or loss of
confidential information has been included as
Attachment E.