In our experiment, the pH values increased rapidly for 48 h until they reached at an approximate pH value of 8.22 (Fig. 5A) because urea hydrolysis rates are higher in bacterial mixtures. However, during the CFU measurement, the death phase started 48 h after the start of the experiment (Fig. 5A). The removal of heavy metals by the bacterial mixtures was assessed using a 2 mM mixture of heavy metals, and the remediation potentials ofthe bacterial mixtures were observed to vary between 5.56% and 98.25% (Fig. 5B). Pb, Cd, and Cu concentrations were reduced to 0.06, 19.34, and 137.50 mg/L in about 48 h, respectively. This amounted to about 98.25%, 85.39%, and 5.56% Pb, Cd, and Cu removal by bioremediation, respectively