Aquaculture contributes significantly to the world food supply; it has become large enough to have significant impacts on the environment and natural resources. Most pond aquaculture cannot be conducted without discharge. Effluents from pond aquaculture are possible negative impacts, water pollution by pond effluents is probably the most common complaint, and this concern has attracted the greatest official attention in most nations. Thus, pressure from environmental groups will force most governments to impose effluent regulations on aquaculture and application of traditional effluent treatment methods to meet effluent standards. Many effects involved in aquaculture believe that application of Best Management Practices (BMPs) could be a reasonable and affordable way to improve the quality and reduce the volume of pond effluents. Many aquaculture producers in several nations have installed settling basins, and a few large aquaculture farms monitor effluent quality. The Aquaculture Certification Council (ACC) plans to implement a certification program based primarily on compliance with BMPs and is considerable discussion among producers and governmental agencies in several nations regarding BMPs.