NARRATOR What you are about to hear is true. The parts are played by actors to protect the innocent.
TWO My mother gives the best hugs. She hugs me when I’m sad.
ONE My mother gives the best hugs. She hugs me when we’re happy.
THREE My mother gives the best hugs. She hugs me when I’m tired.
TWO My mother knows when I’m worried or upset. She just knows. She might have special powers.
ONE When I need to look good I ask my mother for advice.
THREE My mother ties my shoelaces. I could do it myself – but she likes to do it.
TWO My mother can do five things at once. I’ve tried to copy her but I can’t. I thought she might be cheating but I’ve watched her carefully and she really can do them all at the same time.
ONE My mother watches things on television then complains about how silly they are. She spots a lot of silly things.
THREE When I fall over my mother rubs magic cream where it hurts. I don’t think it’s really called magic cream but that’s what we call it. I fall over most days.
TWO My mother knows nothing about great inventions of the 19th Century. How am I supposed to do well at school?
ONE My mother gave birth to me. She tells me that a lot, mainly when she wants to stop me complaining about something.
THREE My mother is mean. Sometimes she piles all my toys in the middle of the bedroom floor and tells me that if I don’t sort them out she will give them to other girls and boys who will take better care of them. She usually ends up helping me though.
TWO My mother and I sing along to all the songs on the radio. She knows every single song ever sung!
ONE My mother is just waiting for Brad Pitt. That’s what she tells Dad anyway.
THREE My mother likes pretty things. She also likes expensive things, like perfume and champagne.