[La] of 14.2 + 3.5 mmol • l-1 with elite junior basketball players and an RSA protocol similar to the present study. This high lactate concentration suggests important solicitation of anaerobic glycolysis during the RSA test, and was confirmed by the significant relationship reported in the present study between RSA indices and MASRT (used gere as an anaerobic power assessment procedure). How ever, there were no significant correlations between all RSA indices and wing performance indices, In line with our findings, Meckel et al. [20] demonstrated, with 33 elite adolescent soccer players, non-significant to low correlations between anaerobic indices of the WingT and performance indices of the 2 RSA tests (12 x 20 m, departing every 30 s, and 6 x 40 m, departing every 30 s). Moreover, when studying the relationship between RSA (8 x 40 m, with 30 s of rest in between) and the WingT in team sport players, Aziz and chuan [19] found no significant correlations between WingT MPO and RSA total sprinting time. They reported only modest correlations between relative MPO and the RSA total sprinting time (r = 0.46) and between the 2 test' Fl values (r = 0.46). The authors concluded that here is limited support for the use of the WingT for determining anaerobic capabilities in athletes who are involved in team sports. Some possible reasons for this result may come from the differences between the two tests [19, 20]: (a) the differences in the duration and type of exercise pattern - the WingT is a 30s continuous, single, all-out effort, while the effort in RSA is intermittent; (b) the difference in the mode of exercise, the RSA test being a running test in which subjects support their own body mass and activate large muscle groups, whereas the WingT is a cycling test, where the body mass is supported. In addition, the participation of aerobic metabolism has been shown to be relatively important during the WingT (28% for sprinters and as high as 45% for middle distance runners) [34].
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to address the relationship between the RSA test and MASRT as a specific valid field lest for measuring anaerobic capacity. Relationships between RSA indices and MASRT in the present study demonstrated significant correlations (see Table2). These results may be somewhat unsurprising , because both types of tests, the RSA test and MASRT, are intermittent running exercise involving the same effort-rest ratio of 1:5 with 180* change of direction. Moreover, one possible reason for the negative significant correlation between Vmasrt and Fl of the RSA test may derive from the contribution of aerobic metabolism during