The Blind Concubine was limply reclined on the Emperor’s bosom. Unmoving. His body was cold to the extreme. Xiao Bao anxiously said: “In this condition, even washing him in a bath is impossible. Want to put him in a barrel of hot water, but I’m afraid that he might lose his life!”
The Emperor ordered: “Make haste and bring me some towels. The more the better.”
Immediately, the Palace’s Servants holding the tray of towels walked in the room in a line. Xiao Bao grabbed a towel and soaked it in the warm water, twisting to dry it before he handed it over to the Emperor. The Emperor took off the Blind Concubine’s clothes, using the warm towel, he wiped and cleaned the Blind Concubine’s entire body. The towel changed from one piece to the other, one by one, after a long while, that freezing cold body gradually regained its temperature.
When the night fell, The Emperor immediately rushed back to the serving quarter from the Front Palace after finishing his discussion regarding government affairs.
Entered only a step into the quarter, he already saw Xiao Bao carrying a porcelain bowl out from the room. His face had such a worried expression.
Stepped forward, he asked while glaring at him: “What happened?”
Xiao Bao answered: “With difficulty, he finally regained his consciousness, so I fed him to eat a small bowl of porridge. He vomited all of it. I fed him again. In the end, he vomited again. Even a mouthful of food he was not able to eat.”
The Emperor raised the curtain and entered the bedroom. The Blind Concubine was clinging on the edge of the bed coughing, his face became red because of the cough, his back was undulating fiercely, like a small boat that rose and fell in the middle of a storm. His cough was so bad to the point as if he was about to cough out his heart and lungs.
The Emperor’s sharp eyes swept and penetrated all the Palace’s Servants who stood by the side. With his severe voice, he asked them: “How come it became this heavy? Hasn’t the Imperial Physician given him the medicine?!”
The Palace’s Servants were scared and their knees gave out, all of them knelt on the floor. Trembling with fear: “Answer Your Majesty, The Blind Concubine right now will vomit whatever we feed him, he even vomited the medicine. The Imperial Chemist is in the process of stewing a new one for him…..”
The Emperor’s face muscle twitched, “USELESS!! GET OUT!!”
The Palace’s Servants were trembling all over. In haste they all withdrew while kowtowing.
The Emperor heaved a heavy sigh, he bent over to get closer to the bed.
The Blind Concubine’s entire body was severely trembling. His teeth were firmly gritted. Often, he twitched and shuddered for a little while. The Emperor stretched out his hand to caress his forehead, but it was like touching a branding iron, scalding hot to the utmost.
His attendant hurriedly raised the curtain and entered the room, in a low voice he reported: “In front of the Palace, there is a person requesting to see Your Majesty. Your humble subject knows that he should not only for this reason come to circulate this notice, however, that person has the former Emperor’s keepsake.” He said that while assuming a piece of jade pendant in a shape of a floating white colored cloud.
The Emperor received the jade pendant, upon the sight, he said: “It’s Jue Yu.”
Jue Yu’s medical skills were exquisite. His reputation as a fine doctor was well known. In his former years, when he was still venturing the *Jianghu, he was already renowned as a youthful miraculous high skilled doctor.
The Emperor was taking this into consideration, without delay he ordered: “Quickly invite him in!”