a young man, a student, is told by a woman that she would dance with him at the ball the next night if he brought her a red rose. However, he has no red roses, and is vocalizing his despair when a nightingale hears him. The nightingale is touched by the soul of this student, and desires strongly to help him. The bird flies around trying to find a red rose at various rose bushes, but none are red. He finallly pierces his heart on a thorn to bleed onto a white rose, making it a brilliant red rose, and in the process dies. The student finds the rose and is thrilled, so he plucks it and brings it to his love interest. The girl rejects the rose saying it won't match her dress; plus, someone else has brought her jewelry, which is much better. Angry, the student walks away and throws the rose in the gutter where it is run over by a cart. He decides that love is ridiculous and logic is better, goes home and reads a book.
I have provided a link to the story below; it isn't very long and very beautifully written. I suggest you read it if you haven't already, and I hope this helped!