HR and technology
Technological applications like those summarized in table 1-1 play an increasingly
Important role in HR. Technology improves HR functioning in four main ways: self-
Service, call centers, productivity improvement, and outsourcing. For example, using
Dell’s HR intranet, the firm’s employees can self-service many of their HR transactions,
Such as updating personal information and changing benefits allocations. And, Dell’s
HR intranet and “data warehouse” provide its managers with desktop access to HR-
Related information, such as “how does turnover in my department compare to that of
The other departments at Dell?” Technology also enabled Dell to create a centralized call
Center. HR specialists answer questions from all Dell’s far-flung employees, reducing the
Need for multiple HR centers at each Dell location. The “Improving Productivity
Through HRIS” box (page 21) presents another example.
More Firms are installing internet and computer-based systems for improving HR
Productivity For example, international paper corp. Finished installing its “Viking” HR
Information system in April 2001. In terms of efficiency, the goal was to achieve an