All samples have then been dried with
nitrogen. After cleaning, the PEDOT-PSS was deposited on the ITO at
a speed of 2000 RPM for 20 seconds in the clean room. After the
PEDOT-PSS coating, the samples were annealed at 1001Cinair
atmosphere for 5 min. After this treatment the samples were
transferred to a BOC EDWARDS 500 evaporator, integrated in a pure
nitrogen filled JACOMEX glove box, for both the organic layers and
the metal cathode deposition. For the organic layers deposition
Knudsen cells, each integrated with a thermocouple, for a PID
setting and a constant monitoring of the cell temperature, have
been used. The deposition rate of the organic layers was set at
0.1 nm/s and the film thickness was monitored, during evaporation,
by a calibrated quartz microbalance