Organisations are formed by individuals, who have organized in some form to achieve a common objective. Their behaviour can be affected by both innate and environmental factors. (Brooks – 2003, p.14) In the case of Irish TESCO, many of these factors come into play influence the behaviour of the individual workers. One of these is personality, which will invariably be different from person to person. The personalities will differ according to their backgrounds, temperaments and skills. Another is the racial backgrounds of different people, which will play a part in determining their values and way of thinking. As there are individuals of different racial backgrounds within this supermarket, this will be highly visible.
The status the workers hold within the organisation will also influence their behaviour. For example, the behavioural traits of the manager who coordinates and leads the team will be different to those of the people who work under him, due to the differences in their skill level, status and power. The culture of the geographical area/national culture will determine the behaviours too. The store manager from London comes from a different culture and background than his Irish workers, who would probably have their views and actions shaped by the culture they inhabit in.