In the present world, I mean a world full of technologies and achievements by human race, not only the scientific and technological subjects has been changed but also most of communications, relations and behaviours have been modified based on the new technologies. For example, television can be mentioned as an instrument which has affected and occasionally destroyed most of the relationships especially communications among families and friends. I favor the statement that the television has distorted communication among friends and family because of the following reasons:
Firstly, if you have noticed, in some families, most of the times of the members are allotted for watching television. For instance, children are eager to watch programs related to children or teenagers and younger members will be allured to the movies and documentries which are shown in the television. Now, imagine how much time will be remained for them for spending to the other works such as speaking with parents and telling them about their problems and necessities. Moreover, this example is right for parents. Some parents who are chiefly waste their time to merely watch their favourit movies and series will not have adequate time to allot for their children. Hence, one of the destroying impacts of television among families is its time consuming that will cause destroying the communication of the members.
Secondly, television is not always a proper device for using and it can have a negative effect in some characteristics of the family members or friends. For example, when a teenager is watching an aggressive movie which is full of actions and rude scenes, he/she will be impressed by it and may change his/her behavior. Therefore, he/she will become aggressive and his/her communication with the other members will be affected. He/she will not have a friendly and kind communication with members or sometimes might harm them mentality. The impact of television in this case might be even more that the previous reason that I have mentioned. This negative impression might be conveyed to the society and engender some bad behavior in the society.
As a summary, I realy agree with the claim that the television has destroyed the communication among friends and families. When people spend most of their time to watching television, they would not have enough time to have a beneficial communication with the other members of family or their friends. In addition, watching television is not just spending time but it could probably damage the behavior of the people by showing adverse programs or movies which leads to destroying the communication among families and friends.