3.2. Plant height
No significant difference in plant height was observed among
the treatments up to 60 DAT (Fig. 1(b)). Salicylic acid treated plants
showed a rapid growth before maturity (80 DAT) and finally it was
significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher than JA and pesticide treated plants.
3.3. Photosynthesis rate
The photosynthesis rates in chilli plants under different treatments at different sampling periods are presented in Fig. 2(a),
showedsignificantlyhigher values inthe JAandpesticide treatment
compared with SA treatment whereas the differences in photosynthesis rate between JA and pesticide treated plants are not
3.4. Relative chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence
Relative chlorophyll content was found highest with pesticide
application and the value decreased gradually over time while
application of JA intended to increase chlorophyll content after
80 DAT (Fig. 2(b)). Application of SA consistently maintain lower
chlorophyll contents over the growth periods. Chlorophyll fluorescence was also highest with pesticide treatment and lowest with
SA treatment (Fig. 2(c)).
3.5. Stem and canopy diameter
Stem and canopy diameter in chilli plants under different treatments are presented in Fig. 3(a). Stem diameter was found highest
with pesticide treatment and it was statistically identical to JA
application. The lowest value (P ≤ 0.05) in stem diameter was