first Harman’s one-factor analysis was performed
on the responses to all the main constructs: the results of
the unrotated exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with
eigenvalue 1 criterion identified 7 factors and no single
factor accounting for more than 23.94% of the variance.
In addition, all the items were loaded on one factor to
examine the fit of the CFA model. If CMV is largely
responsible for the relationship among the variables, the
one-factor CFA model should fit the data well. The results
(495) 9606.53; RMSEA 0.26; NFI 0.60; TLI
0.58; CFI 0.61; standardized RMR 0.24) highlight
how the single-factor model does not fit the data well
(Podsakoff et al., 2003). This suggests that CMV is not of
great concern and is unlikely to confound the results.
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