Fig. 1. Means1,2 of the pH values±standard deviation for the different cottage cheese formulations3 stored for 28 days at 4 °C (A), 4-12 °C (B) and 12 °C (C). 1Meanswith the same lower
case letter indicate that no significant difference exist on the growth potential of L. monocytogenes in the different formulations at the same storage day (p ≥ 0.05). 2Meanswith the same
capital letter indicate that no significant difference exist on the growth potential of L.monocytogenes for the same formulation at different storage days (p ≥ 0.05). 3Formulations: F1: NaCl
with no probiotic. F2: NaCl with probiotic. F3: NaCl/KCl (75:25 with probiotic). F4: NaCl/KCl (50:50 with probiotic). F5: NaCl/KCl/MgCl2 (50:25:25 with probiotic). F6: NaCl:KCl:MgCl2
(75:12,5:12,5 with probiotic).