Myanmar’shistorydates back over 5000years but perhaps modern Burma has its origins in the 19th century; this was a period of immense change and pavedthe way for colonial occupation, Burma being annexed by the British in 1886 following three Anglo-Burmese wars (Thant, 2001). Cady (1958) outlines the revival of Burmese nationalism and the movement towards independence from the British in 1948 after 62 years of colonisation. An elected government held power, interrupted by two years of military rule, until 1962 when there was a coupand the armed forces have exercisedcontrolever since. The regime pursued a policy of deliberate isolation and sought to create a centralised economy founded on principles enshrined in the 1965Law of Establishment ofthe Socialist Economic System, with widespread nationalisation of industries. This philosophy was entitled the Burmese Way to Socialism but led to an economic crisis (Maung, 1991) and mounting unpopularity at home, culminating in an uprising in 1988 which was quelled with great severity and left many fatalities (Smith, 1999). The State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) was installed as the next military government and it attempted to introduce a more marketoriented system, organising elections in 1990 when the National League for Democracy (NLD) won over 80%ofthe vote.The party, headed by Aung San Suu Kyi who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, has not been permitted to take office and this has provoked domestic discontent and strong condemnation overseas