1.Twitter can improve writing and punctuation: As long as students are held accountable for their grammar, using Twitter offers a great opportunity for improving writing and punctuation.
2.Language learning: Teachers can send foreign language students tweets in a different language, and have students continue the conversation in the same language.
3.Parent communication: Parents can sign up to receive tweets from teachers, learning about activities, tests, projects, and more.
4.Source evaluation: Students can share resources and discuss whether it’s a good or bad source of information, encouraging comments.
5.Talk to career experts: High school students exploring their career options can talk to professions in the paths they’re considering on Twitter.
6.Grammar review: Students can tweet past tense, run on sentences, compound sentences, and more.
7.Communicate with other classrooms anywhere (hashtags are great for this)
8.Flipped classroom: Use Twitter to keep everyone on track and connected
9.Share pictures of projects and field trips