quality testing and storage of measurement information in
information databases in the mobile terminal. The QoS
parameters, such as delay, jitter, losses, bandwidth, reliability,
will be stored in a database in the 5G mobile phone with the
aim to be used by intelligent algorithms running in the mobile
terminal as system processes, which at the end shall provide
the best wireless connection upon required QoS and personal
cost constraints. With 4G, a range of new services and models
will be available. These services and models need to be further
examined for their interface with the design of 4G
systems.[22] The process of IPv4 address exhaustion is
expected to be in its final stages by the time that 4G is
deployed. Therefore, IPv6 support for 4G is essential in order
to support a large no. of wireless- enabled devices. IPv6
removes the need for NAT (Network Address Translation) by
increasing the no. of IP addresses.[21] With the available
address space and number of addressing bits in IPv6, many
innovative coding schemes can be developed for 4g devices
and applications that could help in the deployment of 4G
network and services.[20] The fourth generation promises to
fulfill the goal of PCC (personal computing and
communication) —a vision that affordably provides high data
rates everywhere over a wireless network [4]. In the future
wireless networks there must be a low complexity of
implementation and an efficient means of negotiation between
the end users and the wireless infrastructure. The Internet is
the driving force for higher data rates and high speed access
for mobile wireless users. This will be the motivation for an
all mobile IP based core network evolution.