I looked at the production plan. The factory plan to start these two orders next week after labor day's holiday. I will check with the factory if they can shorten the process and if it is possible to speed it up by a few days. Meg will keep you posted.
If you are placing another order with in this week in your usual 30/30 angle, we should be able to run this new order in the next week batch so that the ex-works for this new order can be around 3rd week of June. Noted that this will affect our planned schedule for 45/15 angle which will postpone the date for HC21604 for another 1-2 weeks (originally planned for end of June). It will however sooner overall as we do not need to shift machine back and forth between different types.
If the new order comes in on a normal queue, it is unlikely that the readiness date can be earlier than mid August, considering the backlog order we have up until today.
I apologize for the inconvenience. This year we experience the craziest peak season ever.
Look forward to your kind feedback soon.