2. Methodology
2.1. Research framework
Fig. 1 shows the basic research process used in this study. First,
we collected basic data for China, including data on energy consumption
during aluminum and copper production, output of the
indoor air conditioner industry, as well as output of refined copper,
primary aluminum, and intermediate products such as blister and
alumina, from 2000 to 2009. Second, we pretreated the original
data and analyzed the current situation of the Chinese indoor air
conditioner industry relative to copper and aluminum use, greenhouse
gas emissions attributed to this usage, and aluminum substitution
for copper. Third, we employed LCA to calculate and
analyze the carbon footprint of copper and aluminum use in the
indoor air conditioner industry from 2000 to 2009. Fourth, we
converted the carbon footprint into a carbon sink forest cost for
comparison with the production cost of copper and aluminum use
in the industry. Finally, we developed strategies for controlling the
carbon emissions attributed to copper and aluminum use in the
given industry.