Compliments, I feel more happy each time I get a reply from you. For me, there is always a new urge to write you, and I mean every word of it. At this moment, I’m confident you are in good health just as I am here. As you are quite aware, today marks another progression since we meet; and though it has not been long, still we have been so close to each other - through expression of our personal feelings - in just a short span of time. Actually, I feel so lucky to be your friend from far away... do you feel the same way Babe ?
Nevertheless, I do believe that the amount of "life" that we get out of our own lives is dictated by our choices. Right now, I am here pondering what life will be with you beside me, sharing our thoughts and ideas towards what the future holds though I wouldn't know if this difference means much to you. I am sited here in my sofa looking at your picture and wishing for the day you and I will meet. We may not have known each other for long yet I think our friendship is already strong. this is the chance for us to experience the passion in each other. I know that some decisions are hard to make when it comes to starting off a relationship, but when maturity and affection prevail over any other interests, then all the roads to happiness become wide open. So far, the things that you are say shows me that you are such a nice and caring person; who would love me forever till the end of time. I just want to be loved and have someone to love back the way I've always wanted. This is all I seek from you and nothing less
Babe I will like to tell you why I have chose you among other people on the site we meet, Yes! I have to be very frank and honest with you. Before you, I had met 2 other women in just the same way I met you but they are single and very immature. And on why I choose you from the million of fishes... well, one thing you should bear in mind is that I can never catch all the million of fishes no matter how smart I am. Instead, I will have to settle down with the one I feel will be ok for me... and this is just what I had in mind in approaching the way I did.
If I have to count the reasons why I choose you, I'd have to count forever. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. To love is to risk not being loved in return, 'cos in love or any relationship; it is better to try and be disappointed, than not to try at all. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.there is need for us to meet. This, I hope, will be in no distance time. However, I do not think it is wise for me to wait till then before I express my feelings to you. I can only tell you what I see". Respect is not based on our marital statues. For one cannot earn respect unless they know they are respectable too.
Once again, I wish to thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to come closer to you. I'm hoping our relationship will develop beyond this initial stage into a future filled with love, fun and happiness.
Take good care of yourself and be a good girl... mind if I address you that way?
Do take care of yourself and always remain Blessed.