Besides this, Wateridge [2], through his studies on successful and failure proj ects, concluded that criteria such as meets user requirements, completed on time, carried out within budget and meets the quality requirements are the major criteria need to considered to measure the projects. Whereas PMBOK defines time, cost and quality which known as The Iron Triangle are the most important factors need to be consider for project success. Monitoring and controlling software proj ects development are an elementary discipline in the project management. In project management, the purpose of monitoring is to ensure the software proj ect is progressing according to schedule, budget and quality expectation [3].
Hence, monitoring and controlling the performance of software projects could be done by establishing metrics for each and every elements that involved in software proj ects development. In relation to this, development of Metric based Software Project Performance Monitoring Model could guide the project managers to monitor and control the performance software projects towards to it success. This paper delivers insights the formulation of Metric based Software Project Performance Monitoring Model by systematically.
This paper begins with the discussion of theoretical background on software project performance monitoring. This followed by providing step by step instructions on Formulation of Metric based Software Project Performance Monitoring in Section III. Finally, this paper includes the conclusion and future work of this research.