Control Group Women who enrolled d were ra ndomized to the control group also completed the PIS 36, and VAS at the first study sit. Then they were instructed to simply lie down and do nothing for 20 minutes twice per day (morning and evening This was to help equalize the activities of control and in tervention groups. Participants recorded their performance of this activity on a standard calendar and were encoura ged not to skip more t 2 sessions per week. They visited the dinicat weeks 4 and 8 and rated their pain and QOLon the SF-36 and VAS scales. They were also warned not to use any compl tary treatment for LBP during th s period: this was questioned at each visit and again at the end of the study. Routine daily ac tivity was not restrict At the end of the 8-week period af the control group then re- completion of the study, women ceived the same CD and handbook as did pants in t intervention group. All women com pleted the surveys and questionnaires without assistance from study staff Completed forms were the study coor sealed in a large envelope and collected nator at the end of the study. After completion of th study forms were submitted for scoring. blinded to both the group intervention or control) and the timing of the visit (ini middle or last visit)