hey also have some questions in red regarding this requirement as following:
1) Is it possible to create and issue CN or DN in SAP if invoice is created and interfaced from Legacy system?
2) Refer to question#1, if yes.
- Should CN/DN be created and issued in SD or AR?
Data required for CN/DN are by MTO, Qty, Unit price, Invoice no, Reason to issue.
3) For other/misc, will CN/DN be created and issued in SD also?
4) Refer to question#2/3, if created in SD, do they need to create "Material Master" for all cases? What cases to create Material Master?
5) Since there is a BOFC report required to show "Sales by source (Genpo)" and current system (AS/400) supports this BOFC request, does GSP support this request?
- Their current AS400 can link Purchasing and Sales together. It means that
- Purchasing transaction can refer to AR transaction (Customer no., Customer invoice no) that ASH would like to sell to
- Sales, invoice transaction can refer back to AP transaction (Vendor invoice no, Vendor) which source of products is from
In case ASH interface Purchasing to SAP-AP and Sales to SAP-AR, can it be linked/referred together in SAP?
So that they can report Revenue/Sales amount by source to BOFC (Data required in the intercompany revenue item : Vendor, Vendor invoice no., Customer)
Should you have any questions or comments, please kindly let us know naka.
Thank you very much for your continuous support.