I left a note on your bed "I'm never coming back." Calum I walked into our bedroom, expecting to find y/n fast asleep, but she wasn't there. My face crumpled up in confusion. It's the middle of the night, why isn't she here? My tired eyes scanned the spinning room. Perhaps shouldn't have had those last three beers, but they were a little too tempting to reject. A white piece of paper caught my eye. Y/n's handwriting was scribbled neatly between the lines. Calum, I never wanted it to get this far, yet here I am writing this stupid letter. At first I was going to just pack up and leave, but figured that the least I could do was leave a note. I then thought I'd tell you that I went to sleep at a friend's house and that I'd be back soon. But Ican't, because I can't bear the idea of having you think that I'll come back when I won't. I'm sorry, but I just can't do this anymore. I know you'll want to fight for us, but please just don't. Please let me be.. don't look for me or any type of contact, please, I won't be able to handle that. The one last thing that I want you to know is that I once really did love you. It's not that way anymore. yln