The most terrible tragedyhappened in Krakow, Poland. We were invaded by Germany! I'mcompletely saddened. I saw poor Jews taken to camp. Worst ofall, father was taken! They must have found out that he hadhelped run away Jews, but I pledge I will help thoseunfortunate Jews. My loving father helped the Jews by givingthem our extra food. He was gone many nights. Mother hasalways said when he left " Bless his heart." I wondered whatshe meant. Now I understand. Father also gave them our oldclothes. I once seen my father bring a girl to our home fortwo days. She was very thankful for my father. Mother isterribly sad. I refuse to cry. Mother has cried for all ofus. I must know where they have taken my Father. I willdevote myself to find my father. My sisters don't reallyunderstand.