The purpose of this study was to build a profile of WFD faculty within a defined geographical region of the United States. Through the examination of the major research question, three major areas of emphasis emerged as important to building this profile and understanding WFD faculty. First, an exploration of WFD faculty roles and responsibilities occurred. Second, the recruitment and selection processes of WFD faculty were explored. Third, WFD faculty professional development activities were explored. Two research methods were developed to assist in creating a WFD profile. First, face-to-face interviews were conducted with senior workforce development division leadership in order to understand expectations of the WFD in the above areas. Senior leadership described the important activities, hiring practices, and professional development opportunities available to the WFD faculty. The second research method developed for this study was a WFD faculty questionnaire. The questionnaire items mirrored the interview guide questions. Additionally, a dimension was added to determine the demographics of the people responding to the questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that there is need to continue to build a profile for WFD faculty within the community college through further research and partnerships. Since WFD has grown into a comprehensive division with program offerings ranging from welding to leadership, the profile developed as part of this study can be expanded to describe the specific WFD
faculty found within the variety of programs. Understanding the contributions and credentials required of a successful WFD faculty will assist WFD streamline the identification of potential new faculty to instruct courses for current programs and to identify new courses and programs to help grow the division.