You have completed: Seulloeo’s dearest wish.
The seal on Seulloeo’s ring has lifted.
+ Seulloeo’s Wisdom
Your mana has increased by 3,500 permanently.
+ Seulloeo’s Blessing
Your luck has permanently increased by 20,
also giving a small amount of magic resistance.
+ Marriage Vows.
This holy ring can share the life between the two holders.
If the other ring bearer has his HP down critically low,
the other ring bearer may choose to deliver up to 50%
of his or her health to the other ring bearer.
When you are low on life with this ring equipped, you are
able to use the special skills of the other ring bearer
at 70% proficiency.
Because the elements of the ring have changed,
it cannot be traded or given to any other person.
Destruction of the ring will break the Marriage Vows.
While they were reading the message, Weed, the living sculptures and Seo Yoon were returned back to the Inferno Dungeon.
Weed had a satisfied smile on his lips. It surely was a really profitable wedding.
They had returned to the dungeon where the final the battle of the jigolaths tribal war took place. They had fought over controlling this dungeon’s secret power; the magic circle that pulsed with pure power.
‘S’ Difficulty Quest level, the final stages.
He could see a faint shimmering around the place where Kubichya had died. Parts of Gold Man’s broken body were scattered around, gold sparks shinning in the sand.
He flew over there using the Wings of Light. A living sculpture parasite that Gold Man was wearing at that time and had since returned to live on Weed.
“Let’s search for Gold Man’s remains. Although I don’t know how much we’ll be able to recover.”
Weed hunted through the combat area picking up gold fragments. Golden Bird and Silver Bird went around collecting gold bits smaller than a green pea with their beaks.
Weed, Seo Yoon and the Birds all searched the entire day but could only recover roughly one third of the Gold Man’s original mass.
With difficulty Seo Yoon spoke again.
“Can…. revive ..him….?”
Seo Yoon is heartbroken from this loss, Gold Man was cute and very brave.
Weed Shook his head.
“I can breathe life into him again, but repairing him is impossible because I don’t have enough of him left.”
Seo Yoon’s face took on a sad expression. Clear water pooled in her eyes.
Golden Bird, Silver Bird, and Yellowy have wet eyes as well, mourning their lost friend.
The quest will be completed the moment he speaks with the Inferno Knight’s Captain.
The end of the S Rank chain quest could finally be complete!
Yet Weed could not give up on Gold Man like this, he returned to searching.
“Gold Man, I can’t let you go so easily”
Using his hands as a rough shovel, Weed keep searching.
It wasn’t just because he wanted the gold, he kept thinking of Gold Man’s sacrifice and how grateful he was. Just as he was about to give up against the Great Warrior of Chaos, Kubichya, Gold Man rode in on Yellowy to save him.
The bravery and the loyalty Gold Man must have had, to run in attacking with his sword while being cut and melted! The thing that mattered the most was that Gold Man gave up his own life to save Weed.
He used his blacksmithing skills to make a sieve to filter the sand seeking yet more gold in his desire to search. After going through a large volume of sand, he was still only able to recover only a small bit of gold.
He finally had to accept the fact that the rest of Gold Man’s body was vaporized in the final attack.
“I’m really not sure if I can restore him to his old self.”
Even if Weed had all the lost portions it was still a big question with no assurance of success.
Not only did Gold Man lose his life, a large part of his gold body had mostly been turned into dust.
“That aside, I’ll have to get more gold back in Morata before trying this.”
Having sweep the grounds as well as he could Weed then finally approached the Inferno Knights and greeted them formally.
“ Your knight warriors protected the magic circle with great honor, I was only able to defeat the Grand Warrior of Chaos thanks to their brave actions. I and my companions are adventurers from the south continent.”
The Inferno Knight Captain, Ivan stepped forward and spoke.
“Thank you for your words, it would’ve been impossible for us to do this task alone. Thanks to your help, we were able to successfully protect the magic circle and defeat Kubichya.”
“What happened after Kubichya died?”
Weed was a bit unsure if he really wanted to open up questions around that event, still he felt like he had to know.
Since Weed was the appearing Dragon who had not only killed Kubichya but had also taken the Red Star Sword, it could lead to some tricky questions.
The conditions to complete the Quest were met once he had that sword. That conditional requirement, the Red Star Sword, was also the item that could be used to destroy the magic circle.
He was, however, very curious as to how the Tribal War had ended.
“After that filthy Lich died, a Bone Dragon appeared.” answered Ivan.