USIA has several goals such as enabling academic and cultural transmission, reaching people via informing and radio broadcasts and developing public diplomacy. The most known academic Exchange program is Fulbright including 125 countries and governed by USIA. International Visitors is the other program under the control of USIA. Every year, nearly 5000 future leaders coming from different countries could witness American institutions in situ. Today, 28% of all students applied to foreign universities have been studying in the USA. Hundreds of thousands lecturers are employed there. This increases the success of the American public diplomacy when these students and lecturers return their countries with a positive perception about American values and institutions. The following years after the Cold War, nearly one million people participated to the cultural and academic Exchange program of the USA and many of them were assigned to important positions in their countries. The American public diplomacy managers see education as a significant tool to transmit their values and benefit effectively (Akçada÷, 2011,9)