Where the TCP protocol makes it possible to connect the remote computers, the TELNET
protocol makes it possible to use them. The TELNET protocol offers a user the possibility to
connect and log on to any other hosts in the network from user’s own computer by offering a
remote log on capability. Historically TELNET was the first TCP/IP application and still is
widely used as a terminal emulator. Today, while the applications are more and more
equipped with the graphical user interface, the terminal-based applications are becoming
minority among the applications, the TELNET has found its future as a toolkit lying below
several client/server software. E.g. FTP, SMTP, SNMP, NNTP and HTTP are more or less
dependent on the TELNET protocol.
IntroductionWhere the TCP protocol makes it possible to connect the remote computers, the TELNETprotocol makes it possible to use them. The TELNET protocol offers a user the possibility toconnect and log on to any other hosts in the network from user’s own computer by offering aremote log on capability. Historically TELNET was the first TCP/IP application and still iswidely used as a terminal emulator. Today, while the applications are more and moreequipped with the graphical user interface, the terminal-based applications are becomingminority among the applications, the TELNET has found its future as a toolkit lying belowseveral client/server software. E.g. FTP, SMTP, SNMP, NNTP and HTTP are more or lessdependent on the TELNET protocol.
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